Nursery |


Creating a pretty nursery 

Creating your (first) nursery is something very special. The selection of beautiful wallpapers, children's fabrics, borders, wallpaper animals and other decorative items is huge.
Further popular are "typical" themes and motifs, such as bears, mice or other cute animals. They simply convey the cute - childlike, like no other images.

The main decision criterion is therefore your taste. Furthermore, you should consider to what extent you want to commit yourself in terms of age, or follow all the steps also in the wall design of the baby's room, or go for something timeless from the beginning.

For example, borders with teddy bears are certainly very cute and sweet at the beginning, but certainly lose their appeal with 3 - 4 years, because then other content is the focus. 

"We made sure when choosing the decoration that we could bring in one or two additions for the next few years without having to redo everything straight away." 

The feel-good factor in the baby's room

That's the loaded question when it comes to nursery decor. Because - do I choose kids wallpaper because I like it, or because I think my baby will like it?
The manufacturers don't offer an answer to the question, because they offer everything you can think of in terms of shapes, colours and motifs for nursery too.

By the way, there are traditional and regional differences here. The French brands tend to play with clichés and use classic motifs and muted colours. 
The northern Europeans are more experimental in this respect. The Spaniards are quite different, preferring an intensive and broad colour spectrum.

Existing factors such as light, the floor or the choice of baby furniture are also decisive. And as always: it has to please you, no one else. Regardless of trends, psychological colour doctrines and other theories. If you have a good feeling when you enter the baby room, everything has been done right.

"Also think a little about yourself when designing your baby room. My opinion: you also have to feel comfortable there. Especially in the beginning, you will spend at least as much time in the nursery as your little darling. "

Baby room or nursery? 

As we all know, the transition between nursery and children's room is often fluid. There is rarely an exact boundary. Personal sensitivities often play a role in deciding when certain motifs or themes are too childish or too adult.

So if you don't want to redesign too often, it is advisable to fall back on motifs that are more classic in nature and that you will enjoy for a longer period of time.

Sometimes it is enough just to change details, such as wall stickers, over time to get a different overall context. Some collections are also designed to offer transitions in time and content. 

In this case, be sure to find out how long the respective collections will be offered before you buy.  

"For all collections there are so-called running times, which are fixed at the time of publication. These are noted in the wallpaper books. You can also ask your specialist dealer. He will certainly be happy to give you information."