Leander baby furniture | InsideBeer.com

Leander baby furniture

Leander baby furniture

Leander baby furniture is unique in every respect. Quality, design, used material and philosophy form a coherent and pleasant unity.

Leander is a Danish manufacturer that specialises in the production of baby furniture and corresponding accessories. The range includes baby beds, wardrobes, cradles, changing tables and, above all, high chairs.

Leander Design

The design of the baby furniture is characterised by grace and organic shapes. Unusual at first glance, the second glance reveals the perfection of the furniture pieces.
For example, the babyettes are modelled on an organic - almost oval - shape. Without corners, the cot thus appears particularly cosy and protective in accordance with its purpose. 
The other furniture also corresponds to this design principle. Round shapes, organic radiance and an aura that is protective and conveys protection.

Nevertheless, the design can also be described as reduced. Because it is limited to pure functionality and does without an opulent design language.
Leander baby furniture is characterised by a perfect balance of design language and utility.
The colours of the furniture support this idea. For in addition to the natural wood, "white wash", white and walnut are available. Matching textiles from Leander complement the reduced colour concept. The puristic beauty can thus unfold its typical characteristics here in interaction with the colour and material.

Leander accessories

According to the individual shapes and design features of the furniture, there are matching textiles and accessories.
First and foremost, mattresses and covers for the beds that cannot be equipped with standard children's mattresses should be mentioned here.

The seat cushion for the high chairs and the nest for the baby cot also take up a lot of space and are optimally adapted to the corresponding baby furniture. Textile and furniture enter into a perfect symbiosis here and help to achieve the optimum effect in interaction.

Leander cradle

The jewel of the baby furniture range is definitely the cradle. Classic and the epitome of a sheltered baby room. Paired with lightness and transparency, this furniture transports all the joy and light-heartedness that we want so much for a tasteful nursery.

A proverbial nest is attached to the ceiling by means of hooks and optionally wrapped with an airy - transparent veil. The cradle is certainly one of the most symbolic pieces of baby furniture within the range.