Wall lamps | InsideBeer.com

Wall lamps

Wall lamps in the children's room 

Equal rights for all. What applies to ceilings and bedside tables hopefully also applies to walls. So wall lamps are a very nice and practical addition to other light sources. On the other hand, they also have one or two advantages. 

So you are flexible in positioning the lamps in many cases because the children's lamps come with a cord and plug. This means that you are not dependent on electrical wall outlets when installing the lamps. You can also use the vast majority of wall lamps to create selective light - where it makes sense and is needed. 

Here you will find all our wall lamps unsorted and at a glance. This will give you a nice overview. You can then use the navigation on the left to find your favourite lamp, because we present various categories for you. 

By the way, many wall lamps also have matching pendant lamps. In this way, they also create a harmonious children's room design with the help of the lamps. 

Wall lamps for indirect lighting

The children's lamps for the wall have their very own charm. They are usually not intended as a primary source of light, as is the case with pendant lamps or ceiling lamps, for example.

They are more suitable for providing selective light stimuli. Or to create homely lighting effects. This can be on a free wall to create orientation, or also near a seat, where the wall lamp then functions as a light source.

Basically, there are technically two different types. The lamps that are connected directly to the power supply. Often there are outlets on the wall in rooms, which are then used for this.
The disadvantage is the inflexibility. This is because the lamp is fixed and dependent on the cable in the wall. Precise interior design planning must therefore be carried out in advance. On the other hand, no cables are visible.

The second option is to use wall lamps with cable, plug and integrated toggle switch. Here you are free in positioning and can change the lamp at any time. The disadvantage here, however, is that the cord will always be visible.

Wall lamps are also pretty furnishing items. They complement childrens bedding and other textiles. In addition to their function as a light source, they also serve as a design element.