Lilipinso poster kanin bakifrån | ö


Lilipinso poster kanin bakifrån

Artikelnummer LI-P0252

Hersteller: Lilipinso

* Inkl. Moms exkl. Leverans

Short and sweet - that's what makes it special:

- 'Bunny' - simply delightful
- Rabbits are THE topic of this series
- many matching products

Here we present a charming children's poster from Lilipinso in France. You can use it to decorate your baby's and children's room wonderfully. The poster looks beautiful as a single piece, but can also be combined enchantingly with the other posters and decoration items of the 'Bunny' series.

'Bunny' is a very child-friendly series, whose main motif - it is no big surprise - is the rabbit. The dominant colors are gray and white.

For over 10 years, every collection of this charming label from France has been inspiring anew. Perhaps the appeal lies in the demanding and timeless design. Lilipinso thus always provides design and art in children's rooms. In fact, 101 designers have now designed borders, wall stickers in various sizes, pictures, posters, wallpapers and carpets. Each designer has his own handwriting, but they all have one thing in common - they are simply Lilipinso.
As all Lilipinso items are so wonderful, choosing is truly difficult, which is why we refer to some matching items further below.

In our large Lilipinso brand shop, we present all available items sorted by categories and motifs. This way, you can quickly see what matches. By the way, you can see everything at a glance by clicking on the manufacturer link. Give it a try...  

- 30 x 40 cm - Offsetpapper
- 200g / m2
- högkvalitativ digitaltryck
- producerat i Frankrike
- Designer Nina Stajner
- Ursprungligt namn på kollektionen 'BUNNY'
- Kollektion 2017 - 2018

Beställnings- och leveransinformation

Postern beställs för dig från Lilipinso i Frankrike om den inte finns tillgänglig hos oss. Vi packar det omsorgsfullt för dig och meddelar dig via e-post så fort paketet lämnar vårt lager.

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